
Build a fort, play the giggle game, or shake a pop bottle into a volcano of fizz. Who would have thought learning self-control could be so much fun?

Review these self-control ideas, plus plenty more, to create lessons that help kids:

  • control negative impulses, in dependence on the Holy Spirit
  • think through consequences before speaking or acting
  • walk away from troublemakers.

This lesson is also helpful for children who tend to overreact, have difficulty managing anger and lash out by shouting, hitting or biting.

Recommended resources

Caspian Crashes the Party: When You Are Jealous
by Edward T. Welch. New Growth Press, 2020. Ages 3-5.

Gus Loses His Grip: When You Want Something Too Much
by David Powlison. New Growth Press, 2019. Ages 3-5.

Jax’s Tail Twitches: When You Are Angry
by David Powlison. New Growth Press, 2018. Ages 3-5.

Managing Your Emojis: 100 Devotions for Navigating Your Feelings
by Michelle Nietert and Lynn Cowell. Zondervan, 2023. Ages 8-10.

Raising Emotionally Strong Boys
by David Thomas. Bethany House, 2022. Adults. See companion boy’s book for ages 6-12 here.

Signals: How Brain Science and the Bible Help Parents Raise Resilient Children
by Cherilyn Orr. Tyndale, 2022. Adults. (Provides practical help with teaching children to manage their emotions well.)

Solomon Says Devotional: 100 Days of Wisdom From the World’s Wisest King
by Sarah Humphrey and Amy Parker. B&H Kids, 2021. Ages 8-10.

The Berenstain Bears and the Rowdy Crowd
by Stan, Jan and Michael Berenstain. ZonderKidz, 2020. Ages 4-7.

What Do I Do With Anger?
by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub. B&H Kids, 2022. Ages 4-7.