
Radio frequencies

Any time, Drive time

While your family is listening to the radio, intentionally tune the radio poorly.

Discussion point: Tune in to God and tune out Satan.

While listening to the radio, intentionally tune the radio poorly. Then use the following questions to initiate discussion.

Questions for discussion
  • Is it enjoyable to watch or listen when things are not tuned correctly? Why not?
  • When you are communicating with others, are they always tuned-in to your communication?
  • Does this make communicating with them easy or difficult?
  • Can you hear what one DJ is saying if you are tuned-in to another frequency?
  • How can we tune-in to what God wants to tell us?
  • How do we tune out the things that Satan wants us to believe?

To further develop this concept, ask your kids to list some things Satan would want them to believe and compare their answers with what God says instead (i.e. Satan says it is OK to lie if it is only a small lie. What does God say?) Close your time by praying and asking God to help you tune in to His voice.